
Landscape Architecture and Landscape Design Blog

Landscape Architecture and Design Principles

Ethos Landscapes, based in Jacksonville, FL, offers articles and blog posts to teach about landscape architecture design and site planning principles. Our goal is to help spread awareness and appreciation for the value in using these technically sound, time-tested design principles to create enjoyable spaces. Landscape architects (LAs) are cross trained in multiple areas. Areas of focus include site engineering, grading and drainage, architecture, ecology, environmental studies, construction, art, graphic design, and more.

To read our latest articles or search for topics that interest you, visit the blog page.

Furthermore, this broad knowledge and training prepare LAs to be excellent communicators with people of varying backgrounds, skills, and professions. Many times, this allows LAs to be excellent project managers who understand the various requirements of all other parties involved.

To learn more about the profession of landscape architecture, please visit ASLA.org

Our approach to landscape solutions

These articles and blog posts are based on our unique experiences over the past 20 years designing and building projects across the Southeast United States. As with most things in life, there is more than one way to accomplish a goal. These articles present our current approach and beliefs. You may have a different or better approach and that is wonderful. If so, let us know and we would love to hear about your experiences.

To learn more about how we can offer you professional design solutions on your projects, please visit our Design Services page.

Comments, questions, and requests

Comments, questions, and requests for future topics are encouraged!

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